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How To Display A Random Homepage For Your Browser

Everyone has different preferences while we choose our web browser’s homepage. Someone likes a blank page, some may like their favorite website to appear on the home screen or some people may like the thumbnails of frequently visited sites (such as in Chrome) in the form of their homepage.

One more option is there with you – applying a homepage which is random. Any one of the following URLs may be used as the homepage of your browser for expecting something unexpected and new every time the browser is opened.

1. Flickr Photos – This app loads a set of random pictures which are most interesting from the site Flickr, famous for sharing photos.

2. Wikipedia – Random articles from the Encyclopedia – Wikipedia are open in this case. The code “en” given in the URL is to be replaced according to your own language. For example es will be used for Español, de will be used for Deutsch, it will be used for Italiano and so on.

3. Delicious – A web page will be opened here which has gained popularity in recent times on the site Delicious, a site for social bookmarking. The URL of Delicious can also be tweaked for loading web pages according to your interest. For example will show only those websites which are related to cricket in the start page.

4. Dictionary – Every time the browser is loaded you get a chance to learn some new words and their meaning. Available in most popular languages such as Hindi, Arabic, Persian, Chinese etc.

5. Words – It is similar to the above mentioned Wiktionary page the only difference is that it displays one new word along with its meaning from the website “A Word a Day”.

6. StumbleUpon – A random website will be opened by this which is popular among the members of the community StumbeUpon.

7. Reddit – This shows some random photo, video or story which hits the homepage of Reddit.

8. Reader Play – With this you can look for interesting things which are getting a many likes on the Google Reader.

Any of the given URLs can be dragged and dropped to the home icon of the browser for preparing yourself to find something unexpected on your web browser each time you launch it.

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