How to integrate chatgpt into Google sheet step by step


By admin

How to integrate chatgpt into Google sheet step by step

How to integrate chatgpt into Google sheet step by step? In this day of cutting-edge technology, people and companies are always looking for new methods to be more efficient and productive. Among these innovative tools, OpenAI’s ChatGPT language model stands out.

Google Sheets is a great platform to integrate ChatGPT into, and doing so will change the way we engage with data in everyday tools. Here, we’ll show you how to connect ChatGPT with Google Sheets in a jiffy, opening up a world of possibilities for data analysis and collaboration. Let’s read below “How to integrate chatgpt into Google sheet step by step”:-

How to integrate chatgpt into Google sheet step by step

Step 1: Obtain OpenAI API Key

If you want to use ChatGPT with Google Sheets, you need to get an API key from OpenAI. To obtain your API key, please follow these steps:

  • Go to to access OpenAI’s website, where you may either log in or register for an account.
  • To choose a plan that works for you, go to the API area.
  • You can find the API key area of your account dashboard once you’ve enrolled.
  • Make sure to copy the newly generated API key to your clipboard.

Step 2: Create a New Google Cloud Project

In order to integrate with third-party APIs like OpenAI’s, you’ll have to establish a Google Cloud Project and enable the appropriate APIs. Here are the steps:

  • Visit to access the Google Cloud Console.
  • Use the top-level project drop-down menu to start a fresh project.
  • Select “New Project” from the menu and then enter a name for your endeavour.
  • Pick the newly-minted project from the project menu after it’s been created.
  • Find the “Library” section under “API & Services” in the Cloud Console.
  • Determine which “Google Sheets API” and “Google Drive API” are applicable to your project and activate them.

Step 3: Set Up OAuth 2.0 Credentials

Obtaining access to Google Sheets from third-party apps requires the creation of OAuth 2.0 credentials. Here are the steps:

Find the “Credentials” area under “APIs & Services” in the Cloud Console.
After you’ve found the “Create Credentials” menu, choose “OAuth client ID.”
Set up the permission screen once you decide whether the software is a desktop app or a web app.
Once you have created the OAuth client ID, you can retrieve the credentials as a JSON file.

Step 4: Install Necessary Libraries in Google Colab

Using Google Colab’s Python environment, we can integrate ChatGPT into Google Sheets. Launch Google Colab and add the necessary libraries to a new notebook:

!pip install openai
!pip install gspread
!pip install google-auth
!pip install google-auth-oauthlib
!pip install google-auth-httplib2

Step 5: Connect to Google Sheets

You can access Google Sheets in your Google Colab notebook by logging in with the OAuth 2.0 credentials that you downloaded:

from google.colab import auth

import gspread
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials

gc = gspread.authorize(GoogleCredentials.get_application_default())

Step 6: Create a Google Sheet

Get the data you wish to analyse using ChatGPT and add it to a fresh Google Sheet.

Step 7: Accessing Google Sheet Data in Colab

Simply click on the name or URL of the Google Sheet to access it in your Colab notebook:

spreadsheet =‘Your Google Sheet Title’)
worksheet = spreadsheet.get_worksheet(0) # Use the index of the desired sheet

data = worksheet.get_all_values()

Step 8: Preprocess Data for ChatGPT

Preprocess data as necessary before sending it to ChatGPT:

text_data = “n”.join([“t”.join(row) for row in data])

Step 9: Interact with ChatGPT

To begin interacting with ChatGPT, you will need the OpenAI API key:

import openai

openai.api_key = ‘your_openai_api_key’

response = openai.Completion.create(

generated_text = response.choices[0].text.strip()

Step 10: Update Google Sheet with ChatGPT Output

Lastly, add the created text to your Google Sheet:

import openai

openai.api_key = ‘your_openai_api_key’

response = openai.Completion.create(

generated_text = response.choices[0].text.strip()


If you complete these steps, you can now use ChatGPT in Google Sheets to analyse and interact with data using natural language processing. Within the comfort of Google Sheets, this integration unlocks limitless potential for automating processes, creating insights, and enhancing workflows. With the rapid advancement of technology, the future of data-driven decision-making will be greatly influenced by how productivity tools like Google Sheets work in tandem with language models like ChatGPT. I hope you like reading “How to integrate chatgpt into Google sheet step by step?”

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