Business Boost, Internet

By admin

Find The Best Mobile Plan In India To Save Money

If you happen to be based out of India then one of the hobbies you pursue is likely to be looking for the best  (and the cheapest) data and voice plan for your mobile linked to the  actual usage.

There is an online comparison service now available which will help to pick and choose the best suitable plan for you. Go to to use this service. And if you own an Android mobile then you can also use their mobile app.

First, install the Android app and then pick your region – also called telecom circle. Then you pick the cellular operator from the list of options for that region. The app will automatically analyze your log of voice call. Based on your usage pattern it will then recommend the best plan from your existing service provider as well as from other service providers in your region.

You can always switch operators at any time since mobile portability (MNP) is now available throughoutIndia. ie if find Vodafone service to be better than Airtel then you can switch to it any time.

In the other hand you can always use the website of Komparify to compare the plans. You would have to input the details manually of the monthly log of voice calls as well SMS. Thereafter the service will find out the most cost effective plan for your cellphone.

The app considers your roaming usage as well ie even if you used your mobile outside your own circle. Another useful facility it provides is that it can keep track of your usage data on the GPRS/EDGE/3G networks to  help you keep a tab if you are near your limit of monthly data.

This can be a great help in reducing your monthly bill for mobile if you do not have the energy or time to manually analyze the call logs. Do try this !

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