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Do You Know These Interesting Features of Google Chrome

Used by over 750 million users all over the world, Google Chrome is not only the fastest browser in the world, but it is also the browser which is most used. In less than duration of 5 years, the position of emperor gateway has been acquired by Chrome in order to reach the internet. Oodles of features are hosted by the browser, but still many will be new for you. A list of similar features has been compiled below.

Using The New Tab as notepad

While taking down notes if switching between the text editor and the browser annoys you, now a fix is possible. Using the following extension or code which has to be pasted on the address bar of the new tab, the new tab in your Chrome browser can be turned into a text editor. Though none of the fancy features are offered by it, but still it is convenient to run an editor in the adjacent tab.

Monitoring a particular site

The power of controlling things which are displayed by a webpage is provided to you by Google Chrome, so in case images have to be disabled or any type of media content has to be stopped from appearing on a site, it can be simply done within a few clicks. Also, a website can be stopped from tracking the geographical location of your system, a specific webpage can also be prohibited from making cookies which are traceable.

You now need to click on the favicon in order to get it handy, which will display a scroll, now you need to disable all the things that you don’t want to run.

The Chrome Task Manager

Myriads of things are offered by the Windows task manager and then then authority power is provided on every service and process which is running in background. You can not only end those processes which are taking extra time in responding, but the speed of certain processes can also be strengthen by increasing the priority. Google Chrome also has its own task manager, even though it is not very functional and powerful. The task manager can be opened by pressing Shift + Esc and the memory consumed by each tab can be checked to see how much load is being put on the CPU and other things. In case any tab is dangling your browser there is an option to kill it.

Performing mathematical operations

We just checked how the notes can be taken without the need of leaving Chrome, now we will find out about the firewalling of the calculator app. The mathematical operations are to be typed in the address bar (omnibox) and the results will be fetched by Chrome from Google. Switching to Google is not required in that case, Chrome will directly connect to Google for the answers and the results will be displayed instantly right below the question. But, this is for basic use and you should not have expectations to get your college level differential equations solved from here. Also, a net connection is required to get them solved.

Visiting the mad lab

Similar to the experiment lab of Gmail where some crazy and handy services and tools can be spotted, a Dexter laboratory is hosted by Chrome also. Amazing experiments are there in the lab which describes varied functionalities. For example, an experiment is there which warns you when ever any sort of conflict arises between 3rd party modules, and this will prevent the browser from crashing. The print option will help you in solving the issues that arise during printing a document.

There have been many complaints about the lousy experience of people while they scrolled through web pages in Chrome. By enabling the Accelerated overflow scroll this can be resolved. In case you want a much smoother experience you should enable Smooth Scrolling. Notably, as it is unstable by default, when ever any experiment is spotted on lab page certain unpleasant things and crashes can occur.

Google Chrome Canary

If you desire staying ahead of the others and want to try new features before the others, the Canary version of Chrome can be downloaded by you. Unlike the regular and stable beta version, an update is received by Canary version almost every day. But be should be aware of the fact that, this is not for those people who aren’t capable of tolerating crashing of the browser, as half-baked and unfinished functionalities are pushed by the Canary version sometimes. It can be installed along with the stable version, if you want.

Do a hard refresh

Many websites are not capable of refreshing by themselves, so manually refreshing is required. At times, even after refreshing the site, the new content doesn’t appear on page. Here the role of Hard Refresh plays its part. The websites cache which are stored in your system are ignored by Hard Refresh and it brings the latest version available. For performing hard refresh you may press Ctrl + Shift + r.

Creating a guest user account

If your computer is shared with someone else, and you wish to hide your ominibox suggestions and browsing history, a separate account can be created for them. It is pretty simple to create a guest user account. Visit settings, now the users are to be located and now you may add a new button for user. Another great news is that, shortcut of guest account can be created on desktop, while you are spared from switching accounts manually which is not less than trouble.

Looking for specific type of content

Everyone knows that visiting is not mandatory to do search, but if you want to burn some calories, it is completely okay. Whenever anything is typed in omnibox results are found in return. Searching of videos and images specifically, right from the omnibox is quite tricky. But you need not worry, if image content is required, simply the keyword “image” is to be added before the query, similarly, in case of videos, you need to add “video” just before your query and now such content will be presented by Google on top.

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