Computer Cleanup, Speedup

By admin

Where Do People Lose Their Mobile Phones ?

Mobile phone has become one of the most important gadget of our lives – for business, for communication, for connectivity, for shopping, and for entertainment. It is also the easiest item to lose on planet.

See the graphics below from this website which has not only identified cities but also places, for example, colleges and schools, restaurants, airports etc, where the mobiles are most likely to be lost.

Now you even have cloud based software to keep track of your laptops and phones all the time.  It will help you find the phone or laptop if it is stolen or is lost. And it is free to use.

Here are some statistics to know your % chances of recovering your mobile phone –  in descending order.

10. Purse: 95-100% chances to recover. 09. Restaurant/Bar: 80-95%. chances to recover 08. Roof of your car: 25-75% chances to recover 07. Changing room: 0-15% chances to recover 06. Airport security: 50-100% chances to recover 05. School: 15-75% chances to recover 04. Bus or subway: 0-2% chances to recover 03. Airplane: 0-15% chances to recover 02. Taxi: 0-50% chances to recover

01. Swimming pool: 50-75% chances to recover (0-5% chance it will ever work again)

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