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How To Make Artcles On Boring Topics Interesting To Read

One of the SEO’s least fun parts is the requirement of writing lots of uninteresting articles with boring topics. This happens when you are writing guest posts, while submitting an article and also at times when you are writing article for your own site and uploading those articles whose need is known rather than those who you would just like to write.

The good news here is that, plenty of ways are there by which those boring articles can be made much interesting. Now we will have a look at such few tricks so that the work can be enjoyed more, more work can be done and the articles can be made more interesting for the readers – as, when the articles will be fun to write, they will be fun to read also.

Comparing and Contrasting

A great method for writing about a topic that you wish to write about and other area that is found inherently more interesting. One method for doing this is by comparing articles. So let’s assume that football is loved by you and cooking is something you don’t like, but an article has to be written on cooking. The solution will be simply writing two articles which have comparison between that two, for example: ‘surprisingly the similarities between football and cooking.

What is good news, is that this same idea can be used a number of times with different subject combination. Also the same combination can also be used multiple number of times simply with slightly different angles. For example a different article for cooking and football can be relating to the shocking differences among football and cooking. Just keep in mind that it will not interest a blogger if a lot of articles related to footbal are submitted to their cooking site.

Telling A Story

The use of narration is first person is another tricky thing to provide your article with a much interesting and personal angle. And works will be easily flowing if your personal experience is been shared by you.

For example, if finance is your topic, an article can be made on the time when you were robbed and how it got possible for you to bounce back financially. Or an article can be written on how becoming rich changes people. A fascinating experience will be witnessed while reading such articles as personal insights will be contained and the experience will be first person and writing about known people is similar to writing about yourself. And if relevant stories are not known by you – then you can just make up one. If writing hundreds of factual articles with boring subjects is making you bored, then a way to make life more interesting again is making up a story and to use your writing skills creatively.

Writing A Witty Piece

A separate method for making your article much more interesting is to make it humorous, which will always be fun in writing. You can also be allowed to write about what makes you find the subject dull and boring. For instance if an article has to be written about tax returns, then you can just keep writing around 500 words regarding how and

why you find tax returns so boring to write about. Plenty of material will be present with you to work from, and it is a surity that the article will be enjoyable in both the cases reading and writing. It has to be noted that it is useful to end on positive note, so even if you keep on ranting for ages regarding how boring you find tax returns , the final sentence can be for it by reminding people about how necessary evil they are.

Searching For Inspiration

As seen till now, we are now familiar with how exciting and entertaining articles can be written on almost every topic – this case is just for finding the most entertaining angle of working. If you are thinking of different ways of making your articles pop then, a simple solution is to find inspiration by looking around. Once you have found a way of making your topic interesting, that idea can be simply borrowed for your own work – but you have to keep in mind to keep it different.

But at times, you might still not find it interesting to write on that subject, but it will certainly be enjoyable and easier.

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