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How To Look Slim In A Photo Without Losing Weight?

Wishing to shed a few extra pounds in your pics before sharing them with your friends online?

Some programs for video editing such as Photoshop are very handy but even if you are not well-versed here we will give you an easy and quick solution.

You can visit Google’s online photo editor – Picnik.  You will simply require uploading the photo which has to be modified. Next the create tab has to be clicked and Insta-Thin effect has to be chosen under the category Touch-up group. The slider has to be dragged around for making your self appear thin in the photograph. When the slider is dragged to the other side there will be reverse effect – few pounds will be gained by you in that case.

It will not be very perfect but at least the size of your waistline will be changed in the picture.

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