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How To Know Whether A Website Is Hit by Google Farmer Update

The recent Farmer update or popularly known as panda update at Google, has been designed for the purpose of reducing the low-quality site’s search engine ranking. It showed a wide effect on various websites across all niches.

The content farm’s (such as Suite101 and Magalo) traffic has plummeted while for news sources and some trust worthy sites that display original content have seen increase in the traffic from Google. Certain blogs and small websites including ours have also seen dip in the organic traffic after the update in the algorithm at

The site which have been affected by the Panda update or Google Farmer.

Earlier a detailed spreadsheet was published along by sistrex with a 300+ web domain list which possibly have been the great losers of the ongoing battle among Google and Content farms.

However, the devalued sites in the tweak can be greater as Google has suggested 12% change impact of search queries.

If you want to find out if a particular site has got affected or not by the Panda update or Google’s Farmer, the following is an easy way. has to be visited, and you need to sign-in using your account on Google and then the URL of any web domain has to be typed into the input box.

“United States” has to be selected from the drop-down menu on the right side as the region and the time period has to be set as “last 30 days.” It was around 23rd February that Farmer update went live, so in case a dip is seen in that region, your site as in question has got penalized according to the new algorithm of Google.

Not much is said by Google about the process for reversing the damage of the webmasters which have been done by the Panda update but you can check out the given list of websites they can advice you for how the impact can be minimized and you can tackle it.

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