What Is the Right Length Of A Youtube Video

Some video hosting websites such as YouTube are now allowing you to upload video clips up to the length of 15 minutes but as the internet users have a short attention span, it is very tough to say if the users will watch your video for this long or not.

So what do you think is meant by a too long a video online?

A video hosting service – Wistia, which is also known for its video tracking does this. For example the part of video which is most popular among the online audience, the time when the lack in interest takes place and the time when the video is actually left. Such interesting data is there with Wistia.

The shorter the better

The data collected by Wistia has suggested that the shorter video engage more people than the longer videos and there are more chances for the shorter videos to be watched full length.

It was found that about 85% people watched a video of length 30 second while for the videos of length 1 – 2 minutes were watched by only 2% people.

It has also been suggested by Wistia that only the best stuff should be uploaded. The part which has to be shown to the people should be within the first 20 seconds of the clip so that people are not distracted.

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