3D Effect, Webpages

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Which Are the Most Blocked Websites On Internet

OpenDNS, stands among the popular DNS services which are present on the internet. The websites inappropriate for children are blocked by the parents using this service. Many organisations also block websites which affects the production rate at workplace.

The DNS requests of 1% internet users worldwide, has been claimed to be controlled by OpenDNS. The list of top 10 websites which are mostly blocked at home or offices was given by DNS in a report.

Social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and websites for adults such as Pornhub, Playboy and RedTube are frequently blocked but the list contains two major networks for advertising which suggest people to have privacy concern.

The following list shows the websites which are frequently blocked on OpenDNS. The percentage indicates the proportion in which a given website is blocked.

1. Facebook.com — 14.2%

2. MySpace.com — 9.9%

3. YouTube.com — 8.1%

4. Doubleclick.net — 6.4%

5. Twitter.com — 2.3%

6. Ad.yieldmanager.com — 1.9%

7. Redtube.com — 1.4%

8. Limewire.com — 1.3%

9. Pornhub.com — 1.2%

10.Playboy.com — 1.2%

Blocked websites in Offices

Meebo is a surprise element in the list of websites blocked by organizations, it is among the apps on web which allow chatting on Facebook, Google Talk etc. It simply uses the popular workarounds and browser in case installing the regular char client is not possible on desktop.

A strong user base is been controlled by OpenDNS in India as even Orkutt has made to the list. The full report can be read  or it can even be downloaded from www.OpenDNS.com .

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