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How to Launch Other Programs In Firefox When In Windows

This fact can not be denied that your internet browser is constantly working while your computer is switched on. Now, for example if a program has to be launched quickly, such as Calculator, Notepad or MS Paint while you are doing some browsing activity, ideally, the start menu will be navigated by you and you will search for programs, right?.

To have quick access to such programs shortcut can be actually created and they can be pinned to the taskbar. Or just like me the Run dialog can be used. But don’t you think it would be awesome if all these techniques can be bypassed and the desired program can be launched straight from your browser just with a single click? Well this can be possible with Firefox, and this is what we will check out today.

Let’s begin.

Easy Access – this is a simple add-on, which makes everything possible. You need to navigate to the official page of the add-on’s on Firefox and the button – Add to Firefox has to to be clicked. It would be installed similar to the other add-on’s. Once you have finished, the browser has to be restarted.

Once the browser is back, you would now be able to see an icon which appears like gear on the right bottom of the browser. This will be appearing on the bar for add-ons.

The gear icon has to be clicked in order to check which programs have by default made to the list. The image displays the same.

There are two very interesting options with you, first – Switch Profile, this will be a quick way for launching Firefox on some other profile. Second – Manage Your Own EasyAccess. This will be your gateway for managing personalized programs in the list.

Managing Your Own EasyAccess

A detailed discussion is required here. As the said option is clicked by you a management wizard will be shown to you. The first tab here reads add to addonbar.

Now, when the programs are checked in the list and Ok is hit, the programs which have been checked would be appearing on the bar for add-ons, which would make it further easier in launching of the program.

Customize your quicklaunch will be the next tab. Here the new programs can be added by you on your own.

“Add Easy Access” is to be clicked and you would be ready to start. The file will have to be browsed and a name will be required for the shortcut.

A shortcut was added by me for sitting down my computer. Editing or removing the entry made by you is very easy.

Note: It is not important that the program which was added by you should be an executable file. Acceptance of general files is also allowed.


If I am asked I would definitely call this an interesting add-on. Most of the time which is spent by us working on our computer we are in our browsers and it is used for launching other programs which are frequently used. It is funny as this thought did not strike my mind before, until it was me who stumbled upon this add-on. If Firefox is used by you in the form of your primary browser, this will be definitely worth a shot.

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